LEA Financial Reports

  • Homewood City Schools is based on a solid financial foundation. Our system is recognized for its integrity and astute financial management, earning the trust and respect of the entire community. This sound financial foundation ensures that the students and staff have all the necessary resources to be a world-class school system.

    Accountability Check Register - This report shows the monthly check register.
    Exhibit F-I-A - Combined Balance Sheet - All Fund Types:  This report shows Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balances for each of the Board's Funds.
    Exhibit F-II-A - Financial Summary - Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances: This report shows the revenue and expenditures to date
    Exhibit F-III-A - Combined Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance - Budget and Actual: This and the following reports compare the revenue and expenditures to date with the amounts budgeted for each fund.
    Exhibit F-III-B- See description for "Exhibit F-III-A".
    Exhibit F-III-C - See description for "Exhibit F-III-A".

    Budget Summary - The Budget Summary includes the anticipated revenues and expenditures of the
    Board for the current fiscal year.

    Accountability Reports:
    Exhibits A-I-I through A-I-VIII - Funding and Expenditure Reports by Fund Source.
    Exhibits A-II-I through A-II-VIII - Funding and Expenditure Reports by Cost Center.
    Exhibits A-III-I through A-III-VIII - Funding and Expenditure Reports by Program.