- Homewood Middle School
- Yearbook
When Can I Order a Yearbook?
Yearbooks were available for pre-order during registration. The yearbook was listed under "Optional Fees."
If you did not purchase a yearbook during registration, you can do so now by following the instructions below.Purchasing a Yearbook
- From the HMS website, click the "Online Payments" icon.
- Click the link that reads https://payments.efundsforschools.com/v3/districts/56783/
- Click "Login" on the left-hand menu and log in to your account. This is the same account parents created at the beginning of the year to pay student fees.
- Once you are logged in, click the link labeled "Pay for Optional Fees."
- Click the name of the student for whom you are purchasing a yearbook.
- Click the link labeled "Yearbook" towards the bottom of the list.
- On the next screen, click the "Add To Cart" button to add the yearbook to your cart.
- If you are purchasing a yearbook for multiple students at HMS, click the green link labeled "BACK TO STUDENTS." This is underneath your student's name towards the top of the screen. You can then select the name of the next student for whom you wish to purchase a yearbook. If you are only purchasing a yearbook for one student, proceed to the next step.
- Under the Cart section of the screen, click the blue "BEGIN CHECKOUT" button.
- Complete your payment information and submit payment.
- The system should email you a receipt. SAVE your receipt. If there is a question concerning your purchase, you must provide a receipt. Receipts DO NOT need to be emailed or given to classroom teachers at the time of purchase.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I Missed All Yearbook Purchasing Opportunities?
Yearbooks are available for sale throughout the school year. This information is advertised through the HMS PTO, the school's website, the HMS morning announcements, and the classroom teachers. There are no other purchase opportunities other than those listed above.
How Do I Know if I Purchased a Yearbook?
If you are unsure if you purchased a yearbook, you can reach out to Amy Schmidt at aschmidt@homewood.k12.al.us. If there is a question concerning your purchase, you must provide a receipt. It is highly encouraged that you SAVE the confirmation email you will receive from e~Funds. You can also print the receipt and keep it for your records. Receipts DO NOT need to be emailed or given to classroom teachers/advisors at the time of purchase.
*It is the responsibility of the purchaser to confirm their purchase. If there are discrepancies, the purchaser will need to send a copy of their online receipt to hmsyearbook@homewood.k12.al.us before distribution day.What if I Purchased More than One Yearbook?
Parents are strongly encouraged to keep the online receipt to prove purchase(s); keeping the receipt can ensure that you do not make multiple purchases. A student will receive the number of yearbooks ordered. There will be no refunds on multiple purchases. Please communicate with your family to ensure the correct number of yearbooks are purchased.