Digital Responsibility Awareness

  • Digital Responsibility addresses the responsible and ethical behavior we are to display when using technology tools and resources. Homewood City Schools is providing this information as a means to help educate parents and students. This is not intended to be an exhaustive or recommended list. A brief description of the site has been provided for convenience.

    When you click on a link cited on this web page, you may be leaving the Homewood City School District website. The district is not responsible for the content or safety and privacy policies of these organizations.

    Be Internet Awesome is a curriculum that has been developed by Google that is a multifaceted program designed to teach kids to be prepared to make smart decisions on line and includes a fun, free, web-based game called Interland.

    Common Sense Media is dedicated to helping kids thrive in a world of media and technology.  This site empowers parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help harness the power of media and technology as a positive force in all kids’ lives.

    Connect Safely is dedicated to educating users of connected technology about safety, privacy, and security in social media. Here you’ll find research-based safety tips, parents’ guidebooks, advice, news, and commentary on all aspects of technology use and policy.

    Family Online Safety Institute pledges “A Safer Internet for All” by “working to make the online world safer for kids and their families through enlightened public policy, industry best practice and good digital parenting.”

    Net Cetera: Chatting with Kids about Being Online is literature for parents to use with their children to approach topics regarding internet use.  The document ispublished by the Federal Trade Commission in English and Spanish.

    NetSmartz is an interactive, educational program of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) that provides resources promoting safety online and offline for children ages 5-17. The resources include videos, games, activity cards, and presentations.

    SafeKids is an established website providing resources related to on-line safety and digital responsibility.  

    StopBullying provides resources to help prevent all types of bullying, defines cyber-bullying, offers tips for preventing it, and gives instructions on how to report it.

    Trend Micro provides information pertaining to Internet safety for families.