- Homewood City Schools
- Special Education
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Special Education
Special Education - Special programs for disabled children are provided in accordance with IDEA. Child Find is an attempt to locate and provide appropriate educational and related services to all disabled children between ages birth and 21. If you are a parent of a disabled child who is not receiving services, contact Homewood Board of Education (205) 870-4203.
If you are the parent of a child with disabilities residing within the city limits of Homewood who is not receiving services, contact the appropriate Special Education Supervisor at the Homewood Board of Education at 870-4203:
Director Special Programs - Shannon Dennis: sdennis@homewood.k12.al.us
Notification of Destruction of Records
All paper special education records that are no longer needed because they have reached the end of the 5 year retention period determined by the last date of service or date of ineligibility determination being on or before June 30, 2016 will be destroyed on July 27, 2021. If the student (age 19 or older) or the parent of a minor child would like these records, please notify in writing Homewood City Schools, Special Education Department, 450 Dale Ave, Homewood, AL 35209.