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Builders Club 
The Builders Club is an organization that offers the students of Homewood Middle School opportunities to make a personal contribution to their school and community. The Builders Club is for young men and women who want to take positive, constructive action to build a better world for others. The object of the Builders Club is to provide opportunities for working together in service to school and community, to develop leadership potential, to foster the development of strong moral character and to provide loyalty to school, community, and nation. The Builders Club of Homewood Middle School is sponsored by Homewood Kiwanis Club. Membership is open to all students.
Chess Club 
Chess Club members are from all three grade levels. Students learn the fundamentals of chess and have the opportunity to play in tournaments. Students do not have to be “Rated/Ranked” in order to participate in the club. 
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) 
The FCCLA Club encourages students to be leaders in their school, community, and family. Students participate in projects that promote personal development and community involvement. Club activities allow students to utilize skills learned in Family and Consumer Science courses. 
Heritage Panel 
The Heritage Panel is an organization that empowers a group of student leaders to make their school a more inclusive and welcoming place by creating a climate which discourages bullying and harassing behavior. This year-long program begins by training a diverse group of twenty-five students and five faculty advisors in an intensive two-day workshop. During the training, participants are asked to look within themselves and their school community and make personal commitments to improve relations at school. Students prepare to sit on a panel and discuss issues which are relevant to their school experience and often include cliques, race, gender, cultural backgrounds, and exclusion. The panelists present to various classrooms, and the audience is invited to participate in a discussion of issues related to the presentation. The Heritage Panel is a program of the National Conference for Community and Justice.
Jazz Band 
The jazz band is an opportunity for instrumental music students to express themselves through a different means and enjoy the experience of participating in small group performance. It develops training in jazz, rock, and popular music. Prior instrumental instruction is required. Students are selected for jazz band through an audition process. 
National Junior Beta Club 
Eighth grade students must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.3 in seventh grade. Cumulative GPA for 7th grade for Beta Club is calculated by including all grades earned during the seventh grade year. Members of Beta Club must exemplify good character, creditable achievement, and a commendable attitude. Any transfer student with a 3.3 G.P.A. who is a member of Beta Club at the school from which they transfer may participate in the Homewood Middle School Beta Club. The induction ceremony will be conducted in the fall of the eighth grade school year.
National Junior Honor Society 
Eighth grade students that have been enrolled for at least one semester at Homewood Middle School are considered for membership. The student must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.7. Cumulative grade point average for National Junior Honor Society excludes sixth grade, but includes all grades earned in seventh and first semester of eighth grade. The student must exemplify the qualities of service, leadership, character, and citizenship. The induction ceremony will be conducted in the spring of the eighth grade year.
Peer Helping Program 
The Peer Helping Program is designed to enhance each student’s middle school experience by providing peer helpers with the skills and resources necessary to encourage and help their fellow classmates. Peer helpers, which consist of 7th and 8th grade students, are expected to maintain high personal standards and be positive role models for their peers. The selection process held in April and May includes an application, interview, and parent meeting. Peer Helper responsibilities include: commitment to an alcohol, other drug, and tobacco free lifestyle, before and after school meetings and other school events, minimum of 30 hours of community service, and mentoring HCS elementary students.
Sixth Grade Math Team 
The sixth grade math team consists of students who are highly motivated and enjoy math. Students learn new, inventive, and challenging ways to solve math problems. The math team competes in tournaments against other schools in the state. 
Student Government Association (S.G.A.) 
The S.G.A. is an organization of students committed to maintain laws of good order; to maintain high standards of cooperation, loyalty and fair play; to set high standards of citizenship; and to encourage the support of all forms of student activities. Furthermore, the S.G.A. organizes, promotes, and supervises school elections; assists in honor roll and other special assemblies; sponsors and supervises drives and campaigns; and originates policies in the areas of student activities which make more wholesome school citizenship. S.G.A. officers are chosen by school-wide election. Officers must maintain upstanding grades and behavior. Anyone is eligible to be a representative if he/she is elected and meets the academic and behavioral criteria. S.G.A. sponsors may replace representatives who are not adequately functioning within the organization.
Technology Student Association (T.S.A.) 
TSA is an integral part of the technology program. TSA provides opportunities for students to develop leadership and problem-solving skills and other technology experiences through the participation in community services projects and local, state, and national competition. 
Trendsetters is a character building club geared towards community service. The Club’s mission statement is, “Preparing and developing young men and women to become leaders and to pursue success in all walks of life.” Trendsetters provides an opportunity for all students to get plugged in and develop positive relationships with students from all grade levels. The club prides itself on commitment, integrity, honesty, loyalty, and hard work. 
The yearbook staff is an extracurricular activity for responsible sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students interested in producing the school yearbook. Students must apply for a position on the staff and are required to attend all meetings. To complete the yearbook, students will have an opportunity to learn about publishing using computers and will write articles and essays, select pictures, and design the cover. Students interested in writing and journalism are encouraged to apply.