- Homewood City Schools
- Learning Targets
Learning Targets
The teachers in Homewood City Schools have given much time and effort to clearly and concisely communicate learning expectations for the students of Homewood. Our teachers have combined forces to clearly define what the students of Homewood should know and be able to do at each grade level. Much research supports the importance of being clear to students and their parents regarding exactly what is to be learned. Of course, Alabama has a state course of study which defines these learning goals at each grade level. By creating learning targets specific to Homewood, our teachers have added rigor and clarity to the existing course of study. Learning targets ensure consistent expectations in teaching and learning. The HCS Learning Targets serve as the curriculum for each content area.
We sincerely thank you for being our partner in your child’s education. We hope that this guide is one of many tools that will be helpful in ensuring your student’s success in the classroom.
Please click on the link below to request to schedule an appointment to review any core or supplemental instructional materials used in your child's classroom. Only a parent or legal guardian of a student currently enrolled in Homewood City Schools may complete this form. You will receive a response within one week of submitting this form.