- Homewood City Schools
- Career & Technical Education
Career and Technical Education
Homewood City Schools offers the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs listed below by school. It is the policy of the Homewood City School Board that no person in this district shall, on the basis of race, color, disability, creed, religion, sex, age, or national origin be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination in any education program or activity. This includes employment, retention, and promotion.
Homewood Middle School
Family and Consumer SciencesHomewood High School
Air Force JROTC
Family and Consumer Sciences
Work-Based LearningWork-based Learning is an educational strategy that provides students with simulated workplace experience that allow them to apply academic, technical and softs skills to develop students' employability skill set. To submit a request to host a high school intern, please contact Dr. Delisa Brooks.
The following persons may be contacted by email or at the Homewood Board of Education
450 Dale Avenue
Homewood, Alabama 35209
Phone: 205-870-4203For inquiries regarding CTE course offerings and prerequisites, contact: Dr. Delisa Brooks, Career Coach
For inquiries regarding Academy of Craft Training and Work-Based Learning, contact: Dr. Delisa Brooks, Career Coach
For inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies, contact: Dr. John Lowry, Director of Personnel & Academic Services
For Inquiries regarding nondiscrimination policies and Section 504, contact: Cristy York, Director of InstructionFor inquiries regarding Federal Programs, contact: Dr. John Lowry, Director of Academic Programs & Services
For inquiries regarding Title IX, contact: Dr. John Lowry, Director of Academic Programs & Services